Feb 23, 2025

We would like to know that you are worshipping with us and how we can pray for you. Please fill out the CONNECTION CARD

Hiring Childcare Workers
We are hiring ages 14 and up to help provide paid childcare for weekday MomCo and women’s Bible study meetings. If you are interested, please contact Bethany@westefc.org.

Baptism Opportunity
If you would like to be baptized on March 9, please contact Jessica@westefc.org.

Celebrating New Life
William and Jessica Calderwood and big siblings, Eleanor and Samuel, welcomed George Richard Calderwood on January 13. George was 8 lb., 14 oz., and 20 in. long.

McAdams Academy 10th Anniversary Celebration
March 13, 2025. Please join and register soon! Find more information and register at mcadamsacademy.org/passport. Questions? Contact Bev Jackson at bjackson@mcadamsacademy.com.