We boldly support missionaries who are passionately pursuing those who don’t know Christ. Missionaries/agencies in other countries, in the USA, and even within Sedgwick County are supported financially and through prayer by our church.

WEST Missionary Work

Union Rescue Mission
Homeless shelter at 2800 N. Hillside
The Union Rescue Mission is an evangelical Christian ministry committed to sharing the gospel and meeting the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of the homeless men in our Wichita community.
The Union Rescue Mission is an evangelical Christian ministry committed to sharing the gospel and meeting the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of the homeless men in our Wichita community.

Cooper Family
Cody and Chyla serve with STUMO doing discipleship and evangelism with students at Kansas State University.

Hope Ranch
1040 N. West St., Wichita, KS
Embrace in west Wichita offers hope to women and men facing unplanned pregnancies by providing practical help and emotional support.
Embrace in west Wichita offers hope to women and men facing unplanned pregnancies by providing practical help and emotional support.

Empowering women who have been exploited and abused to rise above their circumstances and become whole in mind, body and soul. Hope Ranch offers a residential home, mentoring, and equine-assisted learning.

HardCourt Ministries
India Gospel League
HardCourt Ministries provide children of the world a safe and fun environment where they can come to know Christ as Savior. Hardcourt utilizes short-term mission teams from churches across the United States in building a hard court game area, hosting children’s ministry training, and VBS in a variety of locations around the world.

The India Gospel League has multiple spiritual and humanitarian ministries, all focused on saturating one region of India at a time with the gospel.

Hurd Family
Unnamed missionaries
The Hurd family have been in Kenya since 2009 in ministry with Africa Inland Mission AIM-AIR. Jerry is serving as a pilot/mechanic for the Mission’s aviation arm. Breanna homeschools and cares for three children and is involved in ministry to women.
We support a family who is living and working in the Middle East in a closed country, and a family which works to mobilize, train, and care for missionaries in South Asia.

Ketcham Family
Christopher & Danitza Penner
Angela Ketcham is serving in the finance office and campus care at the Ethnos360 Missionary Training Institute in Missouri which focuses on preparing missionaries to take the message of the gospel to those who have never heard.

Christopher grew up at WEFC and is now serving the Lord with Global Infusion in Peru through networking and seeking out evangelism opportunities for Kingdom work there. He and Danitza also have a couples ministry in a local church setting.

Luthando Africa
McAdams Academy
The three main goals of Luthando Africa are: nourishing bodies, giving hope, and transforming South Africa. Their work is focused in Motherwell, primarily based out of soup kitchens for children and through the women who lead those.

McAdams Academy is a private, non-profit, alternative education program in Wichita for high-risk middle and high school students. It provides a safe place where these vulnerable youths practice academic, emotional, and spiritual skills for thriving.

Smith Family
Melton Family
Tim & Jada serve in Orlanda, FL at the PIONEERS headquarters. Tim trains, encourages, supports, debriefs and consults with missionary families to help them thrive overseas. Jada is a part of a dedicated team of Mission Mentors who listens to people’s stories, helps them discern where God is leading them overseas and prays for them in their next steps.

Austin and Ashley Melton serve with the Navigators doing evangelism and discipleship with college students at Oklahoma State University.