On April 6th our elders met and decided on a plan we feel best leads our church moving forward between now and Mother’s Day. Hopefully you understand that every decision that we have made has been thoughtfully and prayerfully guided, helping our entire church navigate these uncertain times we have been in for over a year now. A lot has changed and might continue to change, but we will continue to be family and desire walk in unity as a body. Below are the changes that will go into effect starting today, Wednesday, April 7.  


11:00 Outdoors, weather permitting,* through May 2. On Mother's Day, May 9, both services will be indoors.
9:30 Indoor service--mask optional, no social distancing rows. There will be a mask-required, social-distanced area (left side of the auditorium).**
We are using the balcony for overflow only.
*Weather plan for 11:00 service is to move inside and will mirror the 9:30 service plans.
**At this time any other gatherings in the auditorium will also have mask-optional and mask-required areas.


Bible Studies, Elevate (except for time in auditorium, as stated above), AWANA, Sunday Schools, etc. will be mask optional, no social distancing required effective immediately.

One Scripture that guided our discussion was Philippians 2:3-5 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” Though the plan may need to change, Scripture doesn't! We truly desire to walk in humility and to model self-sacrifice. Let’s strive to practice Godly concern for one another.

Satan wants to use this to splinter and divide us. God wants to use this to bring us closer together than ever and to let us bring Him great glory as people see our sacrificial love for each other. We are family. Let's heed God's instructions in Philippians 2:3-5. Let's value others above ourselves. And God has given us a great mission. Let's unite around Him and the mission He's given us.
Thank you for being part of this church family. It's our desire that we are all back worshiping together as soon as we each feel we safely can.