We believe in gathering together for the public proclamation of the Word, worship and prayer. Through our weekly worship we edify, encourage and unite together to spur one another on to live for Christ. We believe our Sunday gatherings are in important part of our Disciple Making Pathway. We encourage you to make our corporate worship times a priority, because it's through these times our family can lock arms and prepare us for the mission God has for our lives.

Our Sunday School & Life Groups prioritize the Word of God and value the development of biblical community, which helps foster spiritual growth and maturity. Some are co-ed or gender-specific, and the size of these groups varies between 8-25. Life Groups and Sunday Schools are communities where people belong and believe in Jesus through His Word. To get connected with a Sunday School or Life Group, visit this link: Sunday School/Life Groups
A disciple making group (D-Group) is same-sex group of 4 to 6 believers (including the leader) who meet together weekly for a set period of time for the purpose of accelerated spiritual transformation and ultimately multiplication. A D-Group intentionally equips believers to both know and obey the Word of God through accountable relationships empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to multiply fully-devoted followers of Christ. See more information below.

At every step along the way, our pathway helps us to use our gifts to serve and share the gospel where we live, work and play.
What is a D-Group
Check out these frequently asked questions which will help you understand where our church is heading with our D-Group process.
What is a D-Group?
A D-Group is a same-sex group of 4 to 6 believers (including the leader) who meet together weekly for a set period of time for the purpose of accelerated spiritual transformation and ultimately multiplication. To learn more about major areas of focus, click here.
What's the goal?
A disciple making group (D-Group) intentionally equips believers to both know and obey the Word of God through accountable relationships empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to develop fully-devoted followers of Christ.
How do I find a D-Group?
Making disciples in a D-Group can flow out of our Sunday Schools & Life Groups, which are the “fishing ponds” for D-Groups. As people form friendships and bonds in Sunday schools & Life Groups, handfuls of them may decide to take the next step and begin a discipleship journey together in a D-Group. For more information about joining a group, contact Lance.
How do I lead a D-Group?
Are you intentionally pursuing Christ? Do you have a desire to help others do the same? As a D-Group leader, you set the tone for the group’s atmosphere. You are not lecturing students; you are cultivating an intimate, accountable relationship with a few close friends. For more information about leading a group, contact Lance.